Intratem for Finance

Intratem for Finance

The Financial Department dilemma.

The finance department manages all financial functions of a company. Having to juggle general accounting, receivables, payable, and payroll, the department is swamped with everyday tasks. Proactively optimizing wireless expenses on monthly basis atop of all current duties is simply not realistic.

Intratem Solution

Intratem simplifies everything. We manage your company’s mobile expenses to achieve an average of 25% savings per month a top of your base carrier discounts. Intratem delivers ad-hoc reporting, such as reconciliation, spending, trending, savings, monthly and yearly projections as well as the capability to replicate any in-house report. We can match you GL codes and allocate everything by every cost center and end-user so you don’t have to. Our helpdesk is there in full support of every employee to minimize the downtime and maximize your department's productivity – all at no net cost to the company.

Expense Management

25% average savings without switching carriers, contracts, or equipment.
If you don't save, we don't earn.

Mobility Helpdesk

Give every end-user in your company a dedicated team of experts to tackle any mobility related issue.

Reporting & Analytics

Turn Raw Data into Easy to Read Comprehensive Reports. Inventory, usage, cost, forecasting  and more. 


Secure Enterprise Mobility Management through user specific permissions and control.