The 80/20 Rule of Mobility
The 80/20 rule can be applied to many aspects of business and life, and this includes data usage. Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who first noted how common the 80/20 division was and so it is often called the “Pareto Principle” – but whatever you call it, you’re certain to appreciate how accurate it is.
20% Of Users Take 80% Of The Data
In Italy, where Pareto lived, he saw that 20% of the people owned 80% of the land. For your own business, you’ll most likely find that 80% of your orders come from 20% or your customers. And it’s common to see 20% of your users being responsible for 80% of your data usage.
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In an office environment, this is not normally a big problem as Wi-Fi data is cheap and usually unlimited, but when remote work is involved and the data is being paid for by the business, it is a matter that needs addressing.
There will be a baseline amount of data that employees across the company use, and while it may vary a small amount, the majority of users stay within a certain threshold. 20% of the users will use much more data, and there can be a few reasons why.
Where Does The Data Go?
Some of these users will naturally consume more data because of their role within the business. If they are constantly connecting with customers or suppliers, running video meetings, and performing other similar activities, it stands to reason that they will use more data than the average user. This is not a bad thing – without this data usage, they would not be able to work effectively.
In this instance, their individual data plans will need to be optimized for their usage. Give them a much higher allowance, but don’t make it an option for everyone. Only those who need this amount of data should be given this option.
Other users in the 20% category will be using data with no benefit evident to the business. They may be streaming videos or music to watch or listen to while they work, they may be performing other non-work tasks, or they may even be affected by malware that is increasing the amount of data they use.
These users should not have their allowance increased. Instead, the cause of the issue needs to be addressed, perhaps by implementing a policy to prohibit the streaming of non-work-related content.
Finding The Difference
Simply asking users how they use data allowances is ineffective, as the majority will not appreciate where their data goes. Using a remote system to manage and monitor data usage will give the clearest indication of who is using data as expected, and who needs to change their practices.
Mobile Device Management software will allow businesses to manage data usage no matter where the employees are located. Limits can be applied and monitoring can be real-time, so if changes need to be made, they can be made quickly. Companies that provide dedicated services of this nature can help you get your data bills back under control, bringing clarity to businesses by explaining exactly where the data is going.