Posts Tagged ‘digital transformation’
Digital Transformation and Mobility
The starting place for many businesses and processes is a notepad. Plain and simple, whatever needs to be achieved is written down and a business or system is built from this. These systems are often fully analog, and as such may involve a lot of work for everyone involved. There is a better way, and…
Read MoreMobility in The Digital Transformation World
The world is rapidly becoming a digital environment, and nobody wants to get left behind. Where once transactions were completed in person, paperwork was completed with a pen, and messages were sent via the postal service, we are now living in a world that is being changed by digital transformation. What is digital transformation? Digital…
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Digital transformation allows businesses to reinvent and become more productive and efficient by leveraging digital technologies. In the modern business environment, mobility is the key driver of digital transformation. In a recent study, 82% of the executives said that mobile is the face of digital transformation. What makes mobility so critical? Let’s find out. Ease…
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