Who Wins the IoT Game: The Early Bird or The Late Adopter?

Most of us are familiar with this adage – the early bird gets the worm. But, what most people don’t know is that this proverb is a redacted version. The complete version sates – the early bird gets the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese. There is wisdom in both parts of this philosophy.…

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Why the “Wait and See” Method of Mobility Management Fails

Mobility Management Waiting Game

Mobility is an ever-changing concept for most corporations. It is hard to know what your company needs when the landscape is continually shifting. With this in mind, many businesses adopt the “Wait and See” approach, determining what mobility needs should be addressed only when relevant issues arise. This approach, however, will fail almost every time.…

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The Future of Mobility: Mobile Security & IoT

Mobile Security

According to some sources, there will be 34 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020, up from 10 billion in 2015. IoT devices will account for 24 billion of that total, while traditional computing devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, your standard-issue Apple Watch 3, etc.) will comprise of 10 billion. Why? The emerging IoT market…

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Mobile Security & Corporate Governance

Mobile Security and Governance

As we have discussed before, managing a company’s mobility lifecycle requires a certain investment. It usually pays off. While there are many benefits you can exploit from your EMM investment, the most compelling benefit is data security. Distributing a coherent and consistent set of practices across devices, carriers, platforms, and data sources can make the…

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