Mobile Security & Corporate Governance

Mobile Security and Governance

As we have discussed before, managing a company’s mobility lifecycle requires a certain investment. It usually pays off. While there are many benefits you can exploit from your EMM investment, the most compelling benefit is data security. Distributing a coherent and consistent set of practices across devices, carriers, platforms, and data sources can make the…

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COPE Co-dependency: a Bad Thing?

COPE co-dependency

The more employees rely on a robust mobile infrastructure, the less they can tolerate going without their smartphone if it’s damaged or lost. Who can blame them? If a mobile device can allow them to maximize their work output when they are on the road or working from home, why would any employee want to…

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Wait. Carrier-based MaaS is a thing?

  The enterprise space is becoming increasingly competitive for mobile operators as the need for wireless services increases. Sprint has developed a MaaS solution. With this Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Sprint provides the company with Sprint Owned & Maintained devices for the company’s employees. Sprint then offers the company packages of either premium resolution…

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Study: Despite Financial Concerns,
Many CFOs Ignore
Cost Management Solutions

Throughout the business world, chief financial officers of enterprise organizations are worried about their company surviving in the face of disruptive competition. But while many of those executives view cost management solutions as a key strategy for building long-term financial stability, only a fraction of those CFOs are actually taking steps to bring expenses under…

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