Posts Tagged ‘MDM’
Enterprise Mobility Management: Balancing Between Mobility and Security
Pentagon welcomed its first wireless internet network ever in late 2016. Yes! The five sided concrete structure that was a black hole for all mobile and radio networks, now has its own WiFi. This is a development that even Pentagon’s own IT team could not have predicted a decade ago. It was a huge project…
Read MoreWhy the “Wait and See” Method of Mobility Management Fails
Mobility is an ever-changing concept for most corporations. It is hard to know what your company needs when the landscape is continually shifting. With this in mind, many businesses adopt the “Wait and See” approach, determining what mobility needs should be addressed only when relevant issues arise. This approach, however, will fail almost every time.…
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When It Comes To Mobility,
Companies Must Seek
Proactive Management Solutions
The philosophies of proactive and reactive management can be applied to almost any line of business. In general, it refers to the difference between reacting to events as they happen versus anticipating those events ahead of time, and either planning for them accordingly or preventing bad situations from arising. In the context of enterprise…
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Enterprise Mobility Management Isn’t
A Tool — It’s An Ecosystem
Mobile device management is a foundational part of enterprise mobility management (EMM). But today’s EMM services are far more complex than just one single function. As mobile environments evolve and grow more complex, the demands of EMM have also grown. These services no longer cater exclusively to the tech industry. Instead, companies across all…
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