Is Mobility Critical to Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation allows businesses to reinvent and become more productive and efficient by leveraging digital technologies. In the modern business environment, mobility is the key driver of digital transformation. In a recent study, 82% of the executives said that mobile is the face of digital transformation. What makes mobility so critical? Let’s find out. Ease…

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T-Mobile-Sprint Merger: Dead on Arrival?

Earlier this month, reports emerged that the Department of Justice’s antitrust staff has informed the officials at T-Mobile and Sprint that their proposed $26.5 billion merger may get rejected in its present form. Although there is no official word from either the DOJ or the two telecom companies, it is believed that the DOJ has…

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What are the Main Elements of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution?

Mobile device management is a critical component of enterprise mobility management. Businesses must find ways to manage their employees’ devices and optimize them for business use. The complexity of the mobile ecosystem and the dire need to manage the threat arising from it, forced businesses to resort to mobile device management solutions. The high demand…

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How Do I Pick the Best Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution?

Mobile workforce is a reality that enterprises can neither avoid nor ignore. Whether they like it or not, their employees are bringing their mobile devices to the workplace. Or having devices issues to them by the company. These devices bring with them a varying degree of complexity in device management and many security threats. However,…

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